Anna & Steve wanted a rockin' wedding reception that would be fun & stress free, but they also came to me with a unique request; A request Steve said he was having a hard time finding a wedding DJ who could come up with a solution for. Steve's brother had passed away 2 years ago and he wanted to represent him as a member of his wedding party during the grand introductions at his wedding. He said Timmy loved the Grateful Dead and would love to have him introduced, play a Grateful Dead song, maybe turn the room purple, and have some type of projected image to represent him entering the hall and stopping at his place in line with their wedding party when Steve & his new wife Anna entered.
I absolutely LOVE requests like this, and it was an honor to create this special moment for them. On their wedding day, their super energetic wedding party was introduced with a variety of songs and lighting effects, and Timmy was introduced right before Anna & Steve came in. His favorite Grateful Dead song played, uplighting turned the room purple, and Timmy's name within a heart appeared at the doorway and floated across the wall, stopping at his place in line with the wedding party. Anna & Steve came in with a thunderous amount of energy from their friends & family, and the celebration was on.